Monday, April 19, 2010

Wind Energy - Cost

Did you guys ever wonder, what these alternate forms of energy are???

Have you ever thought that these things might be expensive for us to afford. May not be...? Check this website, which gives a wide range of wind mills.
This website even gives the information about the cost of small wind mills which you can equip on the roof top of your house and gives the estimates of the power it can save based on the average amount winds blow at your place. Check this link for the price of various sizes of wind mills.

Did you get a feel that you might be completely independent of current means of getting electricity in your home and stay away from this global energy shortage discussions in future.

Please let me know if this post is useful to you are not.


  1. Man it is useful no doubt!!!..But the post has to be more inspiring to make people think of switching themselves to save energy....Forget abt the wind mills......You have to start from the very basic things ..say like turning off your monitor when not in use...Once people habituate these basic things ..then they realize the importance and start looking at the bigger picture.

  2. yeah.. i would take that... Thought of slowly taking to that place. rather than starting with it. It's like telling all the stories and giving the moral at the end of kind.
